High Limit Play, Cigar, Top Dollar Triple Double Diamond Triple Stars Haywire Double Diamond Deluxe - Video Slots
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*High Limit* $20 Cigar, Top Dollar Triple Double Diamond Triple Stars Haywire Double Diamond Deluxe
Added 75 Views / 0 LikesHigh Limit Slot Play! Talking with NJ while at the casino, had to take his love of the Cigar slot and turn it into an "Old School Slot Win"! High Limit Play on $10 spinsTop Dollar, $20 Spins Triple Double Diamond, Double Diamond Deluxe & Haywire, $10 spinsTriple Diamond, $20 spinsTriple Double Red White & Blue, Triple Stars, and of course Cigar! This video turned into a Shout out to a channel who truly is helping the whole slot channel community! Chee
$25 Double Diamond Deluxe *High Limit* $20 Cigar Haywire Double & Triple Double Diamond Triple Stars
Added 88 Views / 0 LikesLots of different machines today and I could not get anything going early on, but luckily things got better at the end... $25 spins Double Diamond Deluxe! (Yes, I got too excited on the 1st spin as I thought I had 3 triple bar symbols but the 1st one was only a double bar) $20 spins at Triple Double Diamond, Double Diamond, Triple Stars, Cigar and of course Mr. Haywire! Some $10 spins at Double Diamond too... Hope you enjoy the video, Cheers!
$25 Triple Stars & Double Diamond Deluxe *High Limit* $20 Cigar Triple Sapphires Haywire $10 DblTop$
Added 59 Views / 0 LikesToday started out with some $20 spins on Cigar, Double Diamond Haywire and Triple Sapphires. Then moved on to some $25 spins on Double Diamond Deluxe and moved live to some $10 spins on Triple Double Diamond! The day winded down with some $10 spins on Double Top Dollar, Double Wild Cherry, and Ten Times Pay! (Still looking for something more than a single cherry) Some more $10 spins on good 'ol Double Diamond, and the last shot was $25 spins on Triple
$20 Haywire White Ice Triple Double Diamond & Deluxe *High Limit* Wheelof Fortune Cigar Triple Stars
Added 67 Views / 0 LikesSo many $20 spins today! Started with some $10 spins on Double Diamond and Wheel of Fortune. Then I played Triple Stars, 3X4X5X and Cigar! Moved later on to some $20 spins on Double Diamond Deluxe, Haywire, White Ice and Triple Double Diamond! As always I hope you enjoy this video and are safe and healthy! Cheers!
$25 Triple Stars *High Limit* $20 Triple Double Diamond & Haywire. Double Top Dollar Double Deluxe
Added 67 Views / 0 LikesToday started with some $20 spins at Double Diamond Deluxe, moving on to give Double Top Dollar another try with some $10 spins (Yes the machine that has the funny sounds) Triple Double Diamond was next with $20 spins, and then Double Diamond and Haywire. Last stop was Triple Stars with some $25 spins! As always, I hope you enjoy this video Cheers!
$50 Top Dollar $25 Double Diamond $20 Triple Stars Haywire Cigar Triple Sapphire Triple Dbl Diamond
Added 57 Views / 0 Likes20,000 Subscriber Celebration! Part 1 of 3! Today it's $2000 Vs. the slot machines for my AWESOME 20K subscribers! Started the day with some free play on Double Diamond and moved to $20 spins on Double Diamond Haywire and Triple Stars. I tried one of the oldest slots in the high limit room, a 1 credit max $25 Double Diamond machine! Later, tried some $50 spins looking for that hand pay on Top Dollar! Good 'ol Cigar is next with $20 spins along with Tr
$25/Spins Double Diamond Deluxe *High Limit* Triple Stars Haywire 3X4X5X Triple Double Diamond Nice!
Added 81 Views / 0 LikesThis day started with an 'Old School Win' with $40 Free Play, Of course I had to play Double Diamond Haywire & Triple Double Diamond. Moving on to 3X 4X 5X and had to give give Triple Stars a shot, but it was $10 & $25 spins at Double Diamond Deluxe that made the day!
High Limit *$100 Haywire* *$25&$20 Double Diamond Deluxe*, Triple Double Diamond, Wild Cherry, Cigar
Added 73 Views / 0 LikesHigh limit play! Back at the casino after I fought to get back most of my bankroll (Lost $200) so I was determined to win! Playing Triple Double Diamond, Cigar, Triple Stars, Haywire, $20 & $25 Double Diamond Deluxe, then tilting to a few spins at $100 Haywire! Hand Pay anyone? hmmmmm.
$20 Haywire *High Limit* Triple Double Diamond Triple Stars Deluxe $10 3X4X5X, Triple Diamond & Mom!
Added 70 Views / 0 LikesThis video is for my Mom! She loves to spend time at the casino (with me of course), even though she really does not gamble. She even thinks that by watching me play, I won't win! This was a day to see a concert and play a few machines! Started the night with some $20 spins on Triple Double Diamond, Haywire, Double Diamond Deluxe & Triple Stars. Moved on to some $10 Spins on 3X4X5X Double Diamond and Triple Diamond. After a bite to eat at Mom's FAVORI
Triple Double Diamond High Limit $20/spin *Big Win* Handpay! $20/spins Haywire, Cigar & Triple Stars
Added 69 Views / 0 LikesThis video is a litlle thank you to The Big Jackpot! While watching his live broadcast on 7-16 TBJ read my comment aloud about playing old school 3 reel slots, and later played $50/spin at Triple Double Diamond machine at my request! (So cool!) I thought it would be awesome to do the same, so I played $20/spin on a TDD machine! (no $25 TDD machines to play) My first session ends with an 'old school win' but I returned to the same machine later that ev
$20 Triple Stars *High Limit* Haywire, Triple Double Diamond & Deluxe - $10 Triple Diamond & 10X Pay
Added 72 Views / 0 LikesBack to the casino for a fresh start and back to the OSS style of play! This day started with some special play for Erica's Slot World! $10 spins on Triple Diamond and a new machine for me, Ten Times Pay! Had to play $20 spins at Double Diamond Deluxe and Triple Double Diamond and of course Double Diamond Haywire. The session ended with some nice OSS action at Triple Stars! As always, I hope you enjoy the video and be sure to check out Erica's Slot Wo
$20 Triple Stars *High Limit* Triple Double Diamond & Haywire $10 Triple Sapphires Double & Deluxe!
Added 74 Views / 0 LikesToday started out with some $20 spins on Triple Stars. Later, I had a friend with me at good old Double Diamond Haywire, who has never played at Mohegan before! (Glad It was a good session on Haywire) Later on, tried some $10 spins at Double Diamond Deluxe and Triple Sapphires and ended the day with some more $10 spins on Double Diamond! As always, I hope your enjoy this video. Cheers!